Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ginger Lemonade

So it's Flu-season here in Denmark and because I work at an E.R. (sadly no George Clooney...),
I am around sick people 8 hours every day.....
and in order not to get sick myself I try and take my vitamins and generally stay healthy......

AND I also drink a shot of my moms delicious secret health elixir (sounds exotic.... no??!) to help boost my immunesystem.

It's quite delicious and also good mixed with Gin or vodka ;)

2 lemons, 1 lime, Ginger and Bottle

Pennies Flu-be-gone Health Elixir

3 Lemons (Or 2 lemons and 1 lime if that's what you have...
sorry mom!)
1 big hunk of gingerroot. 
2 liters of water

Peel the ginger and slice. Peel lemons (and lime). 
Pop everything (ginger, lemon/lime peel and lemon/lime juice  in pot with water and let boil for 20 min. 

Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble!

I drink it with 1:4 parts water or as a shot! 

Add honey/sugar substitute if you want it sweet. (I like it fine without!)
Sift into a bottle and refrigerate. 

Enjoy and say Goodbye to the flu!! 
Pennie :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Imbolg literally means "in the belly/uterus" - with a reference to the impregnated nature around us presently.

Now we see the first signs of life returning to the land, the first buds on the trees, the first flowers peeking through the frozen earth. Some places the first lambs have been born, so we know that spring is underway.

Imbolg is a celebration of fertility - the fertility that comes with the warming sun.
Nature is shown in this celebration as the bride, who waits on her groom to unite with him and give birth to life in the spring.
In Ireland this celebration is also known as the feast of the Fire Goddess Bride (Pronounced Bre-ed), known as Brigantia to the celtic and Saint Bridget when she was christianized.

It was said Bride walked the earth the eve before Imbolg, and so people placed garments in front of their houses, which she would bless on her way; in the morning the garments would be gathered, people reassured of Bride's protection and healing throughout the coming year.

Bride both christianized and pagen, with a Brighids cross;
a straw-woven cross said to protect households from lightning and fire.

At this time the Goddess changes from Crone to Maiden, full of hope and promise of life to come, and we celebrate her return with candles.
Imbolg traditions revolve around purification and light. Candles are lit in each room of the house to honor the returning sun. This is the time to cleanse and bless your home, to seek inspiration and rid yourself of limiting thoughts or negative attitudes
 - to start anew!

The Catholic church replaced this festival with Candlemas Day on February 2, which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and features candlelight processions. 
Modern versions of Imbolg are to be found in many cultures; Ground Hog's Day, Aztec New Year, Chinese New Year, Roman Lupercalia, Valentine's Day and Candelmas. 

We usually eat alot of Dairy foods during Imbolg and we have a tradition in my family during February to make cabbage in white sauce (milk sauce) and danish meatballs - a very filling dish!  
As for crafts during this time,  we embellish candles and make straw figures (and Brighid crosses!). 

Josephine - isn't she just adorable??! Her B-day is the 4th of Feb.,
so of course we light the candle and send her a blessing :)
Brighids cross

Candle Candle, Burning bright, 
Winter's halfway done tonight!
With a-glowing, we are knowing, 
Spring will come again!

What are your Imbolg/Spring traditions??

Pennie :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pulled Pork - chili style!

My DH love, love, loooooooves chili. If it was up to him, we would eat chili everyday, on every meal, with every bite!
He has as many chili-type oils as I have body creams or shoes (yeah - THAT many!!).

So to make something special for him on his B-day, I made him a very speciel Pulled Pork - chili style.

....and because I love my blog as well - here you all go:

Pennies Pulled Pork - chili style:

Depending om how many you intend on feeding (or want for more days).
This rub is for 2 pork loins. 

The dry rub:
50 g brown sugar (or substitute)
50 g strong paprika (or mild if you prefer it not so strong)
2 tbl. sp. freshly grated black pepper
2 tbl. sp. good flaky salt 
2 tbl. sp. cayenne pepper
2 tsp. mustard powder
1 tbl. sp. onion powder
½ tbl. sp. garlic powder (or garlic salt, but then reduce flaky salt)
½ tbl. sp. ground cilantro (coriander). 
½ tbl. sp. chilimix (your favorite chilimix)

The day before servering you marinade the two pork loins in this dry rub and let sit in the fridge, preferably in a bag overnight (+6 hours). Be sure and really rub it in there!

In the summer time we would cook this on the BBQ - but since it's covered in snow at the moment, I made it in the oven
(and you can too no problem). 

Early in the morning (Aprox. 12 houres before you plan to serve it), set the oven to 110 degrees and cook the Pork loins for 12 hours. After 12 hours and the house is full of a wonderful meat-aroma, take the roasts out of the oven and let them rest for 30 min. before pulling the juicy, tender meat apart in thick slices. 

Add a chili hot sauce of your own creation to the mix (or use mine):

Spicy sauce:
2 dl apple vinegar
3 tbl. sp. favourite brand of ketchup
2 tbl. sp. brown sugar (or substitute)
2 tsp. salt
2 tbl. sp. tabasco
1-2 tsp. chili-flakes (or by taste)
1-2 tsp. freshly grated black pepper

Cover the freshly pulled pork in sauce and make your Pulled Pork burger! YUM!!

Add additional hot-sauce when your wives apparently isn't HOT enough...


Pennie :)